Toner by Emtone®

Targeted Fat Freezing Body Contouring

Research shows that over 90% of women have cellulite caused by skin laxity and excess fat as well as changes in skin thickness and tone. That dimpled and puckered appearance in the skin is attributed to the deposits of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue. In the past, there was often multiple approaches to treat a cellulite condition until the advancement of Emtone. Our Toner by Emtone® treatment incorporates the first and only device that simultaneously delivers both thermal and mechanical energy to treat all major contributing factors to cellulite. Ideal for upper arms, upper back, bra fat area, abdomen, inner & outer thighs and buttocks.

  1. TREATMENT TIME: Most patients undergo 4 treatments, scheduled once or twice a week. A treatment typically takes about 30 minutes for one area or up to 2 hours if treating multiple areas.
  2. COST: Starting at $899/area (includes Skin Five Body Assessment)
  3. RESULTS: Our patients see noticeable improvement after two sessions with the results continuing to improve over the next few months.